Tatiana Averoff
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Intersections (Anihti Grammi)
Published by Kedros
2005 (4th edn. 2005)
pp 332
ΙSBN: 9600428948

Intersections (Anihti Grammi)

Two stories.

Two eras, heroines, milieux, times of life:

Leda, the psychologist in today’s Athens, young, successful, career-driven and alone.

And Hilda, the elderly Englishwoman of times gone by, who lives her life at second hand raising other women’s children.

Two stories which unfold in parallel but engage with one another, alternating realism and humour with narrative of a more oneiric hue. Narratives that shed light on the inner sanctums of the Psychotherapy Centre where Leda works, and tell the tale of an intrusive love, an odd-couple friendship and repeated dips into fantasy that ultimately lead to a more profound encounter with the Self and the Other. Two stories destined to intersect, as they are ultimately one.